Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Quick tips regarding dress and attitude for a court appearance.



Have you been instructed to show up for a court appearance? Here are some basic tips to follow: in consideration of both the importance of the event and its’ potential outcome upon your case we suggest you basically dress conservatively and/or wear what they call business casual.  If you are tempted to dress the same way you would for performing yard work or going to the mall don’t!  However, if all you own are blue jeans, then at least make sure they are clean, without wholes, and the shirt is without obvious stains.  Neither do you want to “dress to the nines” (i.e. wearing expensive clothes and jewelry) especially if you are going to be asking for support of any kind. Additionally, if you want people to pay attention to what you are saying, do not have your clothes appear to scream “look at me”.  Also be cautious as to how much skin is showing via a low cut neck line or a bare midriff. 
What’s even more important than your dress is your attitude.  Our country gives you the right and privilege to be present in Court proceedings, and you should acknowledge this as a privilege by being on time, paying attention while in front of the Judge and being respectful.  We suggest you are not only respectful to all Court staff but even to the Opposing Party. This could be your one shot to have your side of the story heard, don’t blow it by allowing your dress or attitude over take your message. Lastly, do not talk over the other side or interrupt, the Judge can only hear from one party at a time, he will appreciate your help in maintaining an orderly courtroom.

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